Friday, August 26, 2011

too stressed for my own good

well per usual i am stressed out. things that should have been days ago...or even weeks ago still aren't done. it's annoying and everyday i'm closer to my due date and its driving me nuts. i just want to relax for a bit before baby comes but instead i'm running around all the time. i still have to pack my hospital bag, this storm is coming in the next few days and i'm praying i make it till at least monday without going into labor. i've been getting mild contractions on and off since early last week. so i'm worried the timing won't be the best but i'm crossing my fingers that everything works out and goes smoothly. still waiting on TDI to be able to collect. they sent a letter the other day saying i didn't make enough for the time they looked at so they will look at different times and see. which i know i made enough because i was in contact with UI and they told me i was good to go, which means i should have no issues getting TDI because they pull from the same money. blah...

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