Wednesday, July 6, 2011

head down

My 4th of July this year wasn't bad. Went to a cook out and parade with Tiff and her family. Ate a ton of food lol, I was a piggy. Now this little guy of mine has his head right on my bladder. Can we say having to pee every 5 minutes?? I ran to the bathroom like a million times at work today. This week feels like it's crawling by. And its gonna feel longer since I'm working Friday to make up for having Monday off. Have a yardsale to go to on Saturday at Danielle's mom's house. Hoping to sell a few things I don't need and start saving money to put towards a crib, swing and playpen. I have a doctors appointment Friday, I have to get evry 2 weeks now, then before I know it it's gonna be ever week. I'm getting so close to my due date and freaking out a little. I need to get so much done before the baby comes. I really want to move but its looking like that won't happen =( And I need to figure out a game plan for baby sitters so I can get back to school or work once I'm ready and healed. Not in a hurry to get back in the game, but I'm not going to be able to sit on my butt long, I'm gonna need money and I don't want to be in the house 24/7 I'll go crazy.

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